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7:51 PM

My weekend in Puerto Rico

North America
20 April 2011 , of mpat213

I spent five perfect days in San Juan. Old San Juan is beautiful. I could have spent only me, all the streets and explore the shops and galleries days. Here are my old San Juan highlights:
Snorkeling with Owen on a beach in San Juan. It was Owen's first time. He received his mask and snorkel on and moved, before we could get our equipment OwYunqun. We saw many cool small fish. Owen favorite was the long skinny pipe fish we saw food.
El Yunque rain forest hiking. We saw beautiful trees, birds and insects. Owen went two of the three miles. He led our group to a beautiful waterfall, where we have to jump and swim.
Our wedding in the El Convento. We had a good night. We were so overwhelmed by all the love and support we had from our friends and family, who not only attended, but the cards sent and good wishes to those.

Sorry images will be added later.

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michcaoili said...

Hey! ... When I read your post it makes more excited to go in Puerto Rico. Yeah... I saw a lot of photos in Puerto Rico and it looks great. :) Thanks for sharing again.

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