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8:58 PM

The continuation

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After a long absence here, an update of the adventure is so far. It is hard to believe, that I here 5 weeks already have been. I'm really starting to be of my own company, I might add.

It is getting much work since I really momentum of. The main thing was the Oslo boat show. Ran this for 10 days, plus Setup and breakdown, so it was a good 2 week distraction has. I preferred to stay in a serviced apartment in water a bit like the viaduct / Princess wharf, I have Aker Brygge in an earlier blog written about. It is a small one room apartment overlooking an office block. For that it is connected to the PIC. It is comfortable, and it is very central and many good restaurants, a convenience store and above all a coffee shop very nearby.

The boat show. (Something for the young)

It was very similar to a fairly typical boat show boat show standards, what we in New Zealand or AU. But the boats or the main style of boating is very different to

Use what we are. Most boats are open sports of cruisers, plenty of padding, nicely done. People tend to go cruise / picnic around the fjord, in comparison with our main fishing focus or at least in this part of Norway. If you over on the West coast of the country go, changes, which focus more fishing.

The other main difference is that they really their boats followers not as we. (A stream (summer house as they are called here) have the most people and most are anti-born and living in the water boats during the summer season) after the season, will remove them from the water, winterised, plastic wrapped and stored in two large shipyards with racks or in large storage shed, dry as Orams stack.

Anyway, on the boat show back. The show would be a similar size, the Auckland show, but it does run for 10 days. I thought 5 was bad, but 10 is hard work. All and all the show was good. Interestingly have Yamaha not at the show.

This market has some very high end boat builders, building performance boats. The 2 most important actors

are hydraulic lift and goldfish. Both of these guys build some fantastic looking and highly powered boats. Hydraulic lift a scarab / fountain build style sport boat with large horsepower and beautifully finished.

Where as goldfish build open both pleasure boats and high performance ribs. These boats are very different search and are what I think incredible design is very noticeable and stop.

They both have one thing in common, they both love it's PS and they are both very expensive. But say the boats for both domestic and international markets are that she both employed.

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