««Oceania and Australia» Australia» New South Wales
19 April 2011 by follow YellowBrickRoad, follow the yellow brick road!
To I have decided most of my time here, get up at the same time as Christine and travel with her in the city. So I found ferry on the 8 loving (Unluctantly) me on the manly through to Circular Quay.
If you are white, Show map Barclay who go commuters on Telly where at the moment this daily commute an extension for the work in the most unusual ways that. Total total breathtaking. The fast ferry takes about 18 minutes past come in downtown Sydney as what only b is described as the most breathtaking views of the Opera on the bridge left and can port to the right. It is the most, see the view of Sydney.
After a ' flat white skinny decaf "or a white coffee with skim milk for you and I, I decided that I would have an overview of the city with the hop on/off-sightseeing-tour." (for all to know me not good - I love my HOP-ON/OFF buses!) In the not sure why we last time I do there, maybe was because it was summer and we more interested in lawn - who knows!
What was surprised me, how much is the English influence to Sydney. I knew that street names such as Oxford St, Kings cross, Liverpool Street, but know, how much is Georgian and Victorian housing on the site.
Here is another thing that surprised me as important reminder day (ANZAC day). It actually falls while in the still here and is seen as the national day with massive should be so good!
How again on my bus tour. When I say hop on / off was it more like a "hop on and you stay on tour ' for me." I decided, on the whole loop once sit and go again makes some stations. Although from about travel 4, I was a bit sick the tour leads voice and little jokes and confidently, I say Cud Cud problems are a tour guide for them. How did u Paul Hogan once Croc Dundee worked to find fame as a painter on the Harbour Bridge b4? And I wud DEF efforts better than his 'Orish' accent outside scruffy Murphy's Pub. (it go ya peeps every day is a day school with "Cairns tours")
A station that I get off at was in Kings cross. This is the Equilavent of the red light district with loads of round bars. Clubs etc. But b4 of a u ur eyebrows boost was the character of the "free Internet access" that attracted as I already said a text from o2 that I had already used me $20 had the oops - data-roaming charges!
I then swopped over the Bondi tour. It is hard to believe that it was 9 years ago, that I it for Christmas. Its true what they say, that although faces can change, are unchanged. Bondi is really a breathtaking Beach - crashing waves, beautiful yellow sand completely I can see why its a Mecca for so many.
Somehow I felt on over 4 pm I had consumed enough culture n history for the day, so my way back to Dee way. Christine lived in the city such as her and Lincoln (her fiance of Quantos pilot, in the city in the morning) had ordered some networking event. Say, that I was sorta quite satisfied, despite my earlier crows about his on the Jet lag hadnt the night b4 good sleep and felt, Quesy and Lathergic all day around the apartment Potter.
Part of the journey: follow the yellow brick road!
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