About me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sollicitudin, nisl ut tempor porta, dui dui congue libero, at faucibus massa mi in risus. Aenean at risus. Morbi tempor tortor quis pede. Pellentesque felis ante, venenatis non, tristique in, pharetra non, nunc. Donec ornare tortor. Suspendisse in enim sit amet mauris sollicitudin feugiat. In massa. Duis sapien nisl, egestas in, mollis et, accumsan id, leo. Cras fringilla. Maecenas vitae urna quis orci sollicitudin tincidunt. Morbi purus felis, sollicitudin a, ultrices eu, commodo vitae, erat.

3:30 AM

10 Weeks to go

In order to approximately 10 weeks I go...

I am so excited that I could not even near to put how much in words. I feel nervous about some things (flying in my own and my health because I am such a wuss) but I think the nerves and the risks make it even more exciting!

Really look forward to getting out there and Africa experience, meet the Lions and the team in Livingstone and contributes to the conservation of African lions.

I am almost all now organized, only need to pay off the trip lol and get a few more bits. The most important things done are such as flights, insurance, etc.

I have the first batch of vaccinations this week. The second batch coming in may - ouch! My arm is still hurting lol... not welcome us to the dreaded malaria tablets, hope their reputation is worse than they are.

I seats in the Office, look over at my Lonely Planet Guide to Zambia resting ontop of my desk think... wowI will be there soon!

I have almost finished to read it. The Guide has helped so much with my planning and only general information about the country: very good birthday present. Done well, the author of the Lonely Planet...It would have been out so all information is available much harder without you!

I thought I would create this blog so that my love (especially my mother, father and Lee) would know how I'm always on and what I been up to. To know me, I forget, charge my phone, or lose it.

Hope that you have to read about my adventure. I will miss you!

Much love,


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