About me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sollicitudin, nisl ut tempor porta, dui dui congue libero, at faucibus massa mi in risus. Aenean at risus. Morbi tempor tortor quis pede. Pellentesque felis ante, venenatis non, tristique in, pharetra non, nunc. Donec ornare tortor. Suspendisse in enim sit amet mauris sollicitudin feugiat. In massa. Duis sapien nisl, egestas in, mollis et, accumsan id, leo. Cras fringilla. Maecenas vitae urna quis orci sollicitudin tincidunt. Morbi purus felis, sollicitudin a, ultrices eu, commodo vitae, erat.

12:09 PM

Humpday is about

Righty, normal routine, up/clean/dressed/out for Brekkers work. I have come these candidates - abandoned so I today, went over shirt for a more relaxed look with jeans. We have important people come in the morning, so that better the casual today haha I had opportunity! When I got to work, I had 6, they include pancakes/Blintz/waffle mix 6 boxes on my desk. What? BB had it, because I was the only one who can figure out what they were... and can read Dutch. I think, which can pretty much find out someone what to a box with pancakes, that "Breakdowns Koeken" for is called. (I took a home and threatened the right devices provided with BB by offering to Pancakes for the Office, of course;) I think it would be fun, and a pancake has never been about half of the Office, we need an IHOP ZOMG!

Since the weekend, I have grown from my mustache, because I look "too young" to do business in China. I'm all customers and relevant business contacts to say that I am 28. ?? I suppose age discrimination is the same world round... * sigh *. So I have been there for 3 days now having, and there is considerable. I have received MASSIVE attention about it, because as my hair will be soon, it's really red. For now, but I have brown hair and bright red moustache, which my colleagues further convinced that I am a human Chameleon. These and a view that I think colored moustache. ???

Fun packs for people: ????(????)yinwei Suoyi ?? daoli district-da means therefore science reasoning. Some people say only the first part, but I'm always going. It is used to "This is how it is" or "There is no reason, why" when asked "Why?" about something.
Also, ???? Qu Yi Bianr-this literally means "Go on the one hand" but "None of your business" means it is a bit Liiiiiittle rude, but I found it interesting. So, if anyone, is that you know, know very well how, in your Chili, you can use them.

After work, went home, changed in the suit for class, it got about a half hour early and met a few of the teachers more. Dodd is an English lit BA from London, Cathy Joel a telecommunications BA from Tennessee (I think?) (She speaks so softly) from New York and a few others I had no time to welcome is. Meets with my student and after about half an hour our 2 hr session, she asked to leave campus and to go to Beijing and chat at the core of Shanghai. This is apparently SUPER irregularly and was Chief (no principal, no principal lol) school a little iffy, but I it on smoothed. We went to the place ????, a huge luxury shopping mall, my student actually working, as it operates a real estate agent. You remember the huge canvas Olympic 2008? Apparently in this mall, there are a huge Arcade (such as in promenade, not video games) with him on the ceiling of the roof. Holy SMOKES, it is huge. Many tourists. I turned down dinner with coffee and we talked about many things. I like to do VIP classes, it is super flexible. She ended up me way at home, the fall I was cool, but not their knowledge can be specifically where I haha, paranoid me live. Sarah was home, we chatted a bit and I was. This Saturday I'm to do, the Easter fun run in Chaoyang Park - 1, 3 or 6 miles? Indecisively but, I am leaning towards 6. What about you, my people? Help me!!

See you tomorrow!

Part of the journey: ????????????


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