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2:03 AM

Elephant ride and waterfalls

27 Photo (s): 21 displayed: additional photos: «previous 1 2 next»
Sarah and I our beautiful day by teaching a lesson starts.  Because the children very quickly pick up words, we covered a lot of vocabulary, colours and cuisine items and types of clothes.

After lunch, we drove the children to the local waterfall, which is amazing.  Huge waterfall that somehow shallow to play enough for all children is safe.  I tried, the waterfall, which proved to be very difficult as the water pressure immense is a few meters climbing.  The cool water was very refreshing after the steep, muddy walk to and from the falls.

He returned to Mae Kok, we focus an elephant ride from the camp on the River.  The elephant and its Mahout (elephant trainer) crossed the River to pick us up.  We climbed to the elephant riding on a makeshift seat on the back of the elephant while the Mahout shotgun was sitting on the giant of neck.  Horse riding an elephant is amazingly fun and above all choppy.  I can imagine it would far less choppy riding on the neck, which is way probably more pleasant for the elephants and his riders (we plan to one day learn, a Mahout are)

(When we are again in Chiang Mai).  On the way, the elephant will stop often to eat each vine or in the vicinity of weed.  I imagine, that it must have a number of weeds persist to eat its size.  After crossing the River, we went to the country, with a short tour through the Karen village (hill tribe) where the Commons before it is back on the river of the Mae Kok Foundation.  We have finally our day by planting a dozen rose bushes, the foundation of reasons at our room.  I hope that life by the next storm.    27 Photo (s): 21 displayed: additional photos: «previous 1 2 next» 27 photo (s): 21 displayed: additional photos: «previous 1 2 next»


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