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11:27 AM

Enter Khajuraho Amritsar Delhi India in the Punjab hugging

65 Photo (s): 21 displayed: additional photos: «back 1 2 3 4 next»
Bear hugged in the Punjab - Khajuraho, Varanasi, Amritsar, & Delhi India

Hey guys, have I I have seats and I in Aqaba, Jordan not yet not written realized of my last two weeks in India, so I decided that I better would throw something together before I forget everything that happened. To get back up to date, so I thought I would share just a few small highlights and then wrap with a few comments on India in General.

Kama Sutra Temple - Khajuraho

For those of you who like to search through my images, you will notice that the first set of photos is just a little bit outrageous. (Also known as the temples of Kama Sutra), the images are from the temples at Khajuraho. These temples are some of the best (and certainly the risque) sculpture work in very India. Now, I'm still not sure, why they have such sharp focus on passionate love and sex, but my best guess is, that it will go their way across to the Church young adolescents excited!


I have definitely for them - the travel guide Lonely Planet credit grant

Varanasi did a great job, as describes a "in your face" kind of the city. It is really just a special kind of shock, if you to down the river walk and (there are no images, so don't worry) suddenly come across a burning body! Now, for those who don't know about it, Varanasi and the Ganges River, which flows through you is one of the most sacred sites in India. Who dies there have their body is bathed in the River most at stake in some places along the river of Creamed Spinach - this is to ensure an escape from the cycle of rebirth. Also you can still see the living, bathing in the river and their sins for those.

Bear hugged in the Punjab - Amritsar

Okay, I have a new "Friendliest people / place" for the trip, and it is Sikhs from Amritsar and Punjab. I hang around the Golden Temple - the most sacred place for Sikhs - spent three days and community it is just incredible. Each visit to the temple (Sikhs and tourists alike) are provided with free meals, if they want to, and they are equipped with blankets

and a dry place to sleep (usually outside under an awning). The place was I actually had a dormitory where tourists could stay for free! This general mood of giving and quality visitors are just the Sikh amazingly outgoing and friendly. They all stopped to me regarding, where I am from and if it all they could do to help me. And more than often not, if I went that shake hand and say goodbye, I would get embrace moved in a surprise bear. Heck, there was even a few times where one older gentleman would only random walk and say welcome and embrace me. It was a surprisingly inviting room!

Transcend boundaries Bangra party Atari / Amritsar

While in Amritsar, I participated in an afternoon and went to town Atari on the India Pakistan border to participate in closing ceremony. And it was completely nuts! For starters, every country has installed permanent grandstand for observers. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say, that it 5000 + was in the stands on the Indian side, and they were nearly full one hour before the border procedure close started. Leading for the hour

up to the actual ceremony, there were children run up and down the street of waving large Indian flags, and the street with a heavy dance party populated. Both sides had annoyed even MC, the amount to get! A journey in any case it was different!

Indian wrap-up some thoughts General

Okay, while I was a great time in India, I now have to admit that it now will be nice in Jordan. I really needed a breather after six weeks on the subcontinent. There's something about India, which holds only you on your toes 24 / 7, and you never really get a chance where I was, relax (at least in parts). Every time, if you think that you have found things (buses, trains, hotels, etc.) something unforeseen happens, and you must try to re-calibrate your thinking. For example, as a tourist, you will get used by rickshaw driver harassed, and get very accustomed you to say no or ignored. So one day I was walking around Delhi, and I went from four rickshaws in a row (all right beside each other). She gave me the same game questions

If I needed a ride and there are pretty annoying, because she heard them all and others knew clearly that I do not need a trip to I with the first guy said, but then me asked anyway. And then, once I have all of them, a random guy on a motorcycle after rights, pulled up and asked if I wanted for free only a lift; He wanted to be just nice and help. So you get this amazing gestures goodness in the trouble, and it makes you almost a little bipolar. In General, I however say that Indians are at the top on the list, which mean "nice mete" for the trip.

Human bumper cars

Traffic in India is even crazier than you are likely led to believe, and because sidewalks in general too full motor cycles, cows and street vendors, pedestrians are usually on the road are forced to play the local version of cars. So I was hit in my 6 weeks it actually by two cars and a bicycle rickshaw! Fortunately, they were all just small love taps (around 5 km/h or less). One of the cars in secured

geflügelten me while another my funny bone with its side view mirror. The bicycle rickshaw one was the funniest because the guy somehow managed in the pedals come in the back of my leg, although I was a foot in a number of people. I know really not, as he managed to do it, but still he decided you give me a stare as it was my fault. 65 Photo (s): 21 displayed: additional photos: «back 1 2 3 4 next» 65 photo (s): 21 displayed: additional photos: «back 1 2 3 4 next»
Part of the journey: around the world in 299 days


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