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9:55 AM

A hairy lemon

We used the last of the endless, choice public holidays to return Jinja and the Nile. We spent a night in Jinja, which has a quite lively nightlife that seems more accessible as Kampala. After negotiating a discount of 1500 shillings (50 p!) for lack of hot water and TV, we visited from the hairy lemon.

The hairy lemon is a camp on a small island in the middle of the Nile, in particular from international kayaker, who used it as a basis, some (apparently) fantastic Rapids close to explore visited. It was quite pricy to entice us into more money for Uganda but offered full Board and some actions.

My short blog entry reflects how little there was to do, but it was a great place to the relax and do nothing. We had two nights are, what about my opinion was, as long as I could manage not Kayak. My Restlesness made me for a good swimming spot search (there isn't one) taken had a mini waterfall down already (somewhat painful) me. The friendly South African owner offered fishing trips and take another couple of days we happily taken kayak would have had our budget is stretched, to it.

The owner turned out to be the most important source of entertainment, shows us his plans for the development of camps on the nearby islands and networking based with bridges. He had some fascinating and companies in Tanzania and an interesting an anti-poaching frightening, stories of his time running, take on international volunteering. "I understand not that Europeans and North Americans to come here."
"We are to learn and get experience."
"But what really learn you here, people have very limited or training and technical expertise." I can see if you wanted to the point work experience in somewhere like a Western Hospital where there many highly trained experts on their territory but here…. "It is an interesting if some point fail."


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