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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sollicitudin, nisl ut tempor porta, dui dui congue libero, at faucibus massa mi in risus. Aenean at risus. Morbi tempor tortor quis pede. Pellentesque felis ante, venenatis non, tristique in, pharetra non, nunc. Donec ornare tortor. Suspendisse in enim sit amet mauris sollicitudin feugiat. In massa. Duis sapien nisl, egestas in, mollis et, accumsan id, leo. Cras fringilla. Maecenas vitae urna quis orci sollicitudin tincidunt. Morbi purus felis, sollicitudin a, ultrices eu, commodo vitae, erat.

7:00 PM

20Th century Avril 2011

Estoy cansada! I write I'm tired and I know pretty...warum in English? God, am already confused here with the all languages. My English is steadily worse (although I often speak's), for this purpose, my Spanish is not much better. Frustrating. My roommate Jaze has but doller caught ´s...which is pretty much on the ground. You simply want more in less time without overhead. The day has too few hours:-)

Now is again MIttwoch and mean in Antigua last week - horrible que! On Monday is Jaze my favorite englaender Joe away then, (we were married Friday in Maya tradition, this later more:-)) is European already two days ago)We all are very sad, he was still the top entertainer for pretty much any situation - and a good friend!

For the weekend: Lake Atitlan, a beautiful Lake in middle of mountains and volcanoes (which we but could not see because of the many clouds) with cute places. Pity that this sea, this gem of nature, is verpestet. You should swim as a tourist, not in it. We (Glen, Joe, Christie, and I) were then but kayaking were and so wet that I am curious whether the bacteria will win the battle or not;-) At the moment, everything is tutti.
On Saturday we went in the afternoon so the lodge to Santa Cruz (another place on the Lake) and they have all - were there los otros estudiantes! Jaze, Megan, Ray (all AMIS) and a few others from the school who wanted to see also iguana Perdida. Simply a magical place, we would like longer still. The first thing had Joe in the Sinnn: the stock of creepy, discarded clothes to look...Glen and he have chosen but also pretty things:-D Maike, our little older classmates, 62 years old, had a dream in pink in the Grandma-look...simply beautiful. Joe and Glen have moved again to the dinner for the party. Long shcon ahb I not so laughed...If I can't get it at some point, upload photos, I will present what also.
Back ´s was exceptionally times with a great comfortable bus - across the meandering (and Sch...)(dangerous) roads of the cloud forests of Guatemala...simply wow!

This week is Holy week and Sunday's ´s gave procession - again ne beautifully, really.
Today evening ´s is Cafe open mic in the Rainbow (everyone can sing or recite something). Then salsa...I think I'll have to take hours - which are really damn well here!

Christie and I were now in the gym and I know now many locals with which I can keep additional Spanischlessons;-) The nice gentleman from Guatemala City is also the GR to Antigua and then I check the location in Bogotá times, because he to has turned me, to stay with his family in Bogota...times look. Must go, food and then to the sister of my HOstmum, Mairi, food for Kochn this evening get. (is as old as you Natti,:-))) And today I Cook the first guatemaltekisch!:-)

XXX Besitos


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