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4:56 PM

Day 4 Texel

Is it worrying that I previously tried lay in bed, from which day it was work? It took about 5 minutes to em come finally to the firm conclusion that it was Wednesday (this had been without an electrical device that immediately tell me in the position would be.)

Anyway I decided today that I would go to the real reason that I came in the first place on this island. A nature reserve and beach on the West Coast. Off the map, I thought that she saw about 3-4 km from the hostel. This proved a pretty wrong. I have the nature reserve pretty hot and tired. I saw a sign, when I got there, show how I came back and say the Castle 6 km. On the same sign it said de Koog (where the beach is) 2 km. So all in all, I cycled 16 km today, when I thought that I would be cycling tops by 8. Not that it bothered me

The nature reserve was not anyway, what I was expected, it was more of a sea life centre/bird and seal sanctuary/dune reserve. The sea life centre was relatively interesting in a kind of all previously seen way. The seals were nice, unfortunately they renovation work were subjected to what they don't have designed their full compliment of gaskets and, in the containers, which meant that visitors see Ould under water so filter still works was not, so that the water was really cloudy, means that you could not see inside. I went for a nice 4 km walk through the dunes while out there had seals in time for their feeding, then lunch. All very interesting.

I then cycled the 2 km on the road to the beach. Reading decided for an hour or so, in the Sun are then, that completely stupid, but idea for a refreshing swim in the sea would be a fun. From this experience, I have derived two important facts.
Number 1: The sea in April is cooooooold
Number 2: I'm an idiot, even if you a moment, there is a that would be a good idea.

Ah well, no permanent damage.

Tonight is my last night on Texel. Tomorrow I go before back to Amsterdam being Delft for the day and then coach catch the overnight to Berlin.


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