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8:02 AM

France and Monaco

Tuesday 19 April 2011 - booked we a tour of Monaco and Monte Carlo, was extremely interesting. Most striking about the place is the prosperity that appears expensive cars,-....

We visited the old town of Monaco and then in Monte Carlo itself and saw also the preparations for the Grand Prix and in the rack, in May should be executed. Our guide told us that are rented during the GP balconies with views of the course for 5,000 euro per hour!. He also told us to buy is 50,000 euro per square metre that property in Monte Carlo.

Boat Harbour is home to some of the largest cruisers and yacht, that we are ever likely to see.

Monte Carlo was a real eye Openner and our we dropped even in the main casino - have dough on Pokies in a few minutes. Some of the cars in the Casino and cruises around the city are incredible-... you name it Corvette, Porsche, Maserati, Bentley she are there and are usually convertibles.

Tomorrow we plan to do a tour of Nice itself and is some more images upload

and a story.


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